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日期:2019-10-09  发布人:clxy  浏览量:


Bachelor of Science 

  90 Credits


  The Bachelor of Science in Information Security (BSISec) program provides the knowledge, skills and competency to successfully analyze, build, support, and defend information systems against cyber-attacks. While a foundational study of computer hardware, software, and networking is provided, the focus of the program is development of practical cyber security knowledge accumulated through lectures, interactive exercises and projects.

  The first series of courses emphasis technology. The second set builds on this core knowledge by concentrating exclusively on information security. An exclusive focus on security courses serves to improve the absorption and retention of critical concepts and encourages the development of a clear and interconnected understanding of Information Security and its impact on society.

  The Information Security degree at WTU is designed to ensure proficiency of concepts and ideas related to modern Information Security. No prior technical knowledge is required to enter, it is designed for anyone interested in Information Security. Those seeking to enter the fields of cyber security, information assurance, computer forensic analysis, or network security should consider entering the program.

  Industry Relevance

  Information Security is widely recognized as an essential business need. Companies rely on degreed professionals with the skills to support and protect information systems from misuse. Customers expect their confidential data to be safeguarded and secured.

  Demand in this field is significant as companies move to fill their ranks with educated information security analysis. According to the 2015 Occupational Outlook Handbook compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Information Security jobs are expected to grow much faster than average (18%) each year through 2024 with a median salary of $96,600 (2016).

  In addition to monitoring and hardening of systems, Information Security professionals are involved in the budgeting, risk assessment, policy creation, and communication of information security status thought an organization. For those interested in understanding information systems technology and how it can be secured and protected should consider enrolling. Those who enjoy investigating issues, solving problems, working across departments to drive critical business decisions should choose this program. Washington Technology University’s program is unique in that it is offered in an accelerated onsite format that allows students to focus and concentrate on one subject at a time.

  Program Outcomes

  • Identify the elements of an information system and understand how software is developed and used within the information system

  • Use and apply mathematical concepts appropriate to the development of software for a computer and information system

  • Demonstrate background knowledge of Operating Systems, Networking, Data Communications, Database Technology, Information Systems Planning, and Project Management

  • Analyze an information systems problem, define performance requirements and specifications needed to solve an information security problem

  • Identify solutions while recognizing the social and ethical impact of computing on individuals, organizations and society

  • Demonstrate effective team communication

  • Use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for information systems practices by recognizing the need for, and the ability to engage in, continuing professional development

  • Understand professional, ethical, legal, security, social issues and responsibilities

  • Demonstrate the use of various computer forensic software tools and techniques as well as follow proper legal procedures for obtaining, analyzing, and reporting digital forensic evidence

  • Explain the findings of a cyber forensic investigation in both written form and in oral form

  • Identify and analyze legal issues within technology, regarding standards, compliance, contracts, computer crime, privacy, obscenity, and intellectual property

  • Compare and contrast techniques for preventing unauthorized access to computer networks and apply measures for minimizing the damage caused by network intruders

  • Evaluate and implement security controls for an information system to provide assurance where the security processes or controls are implemented

  • Evaluate an implemented Governance Framework for its effectiveness and usefulness to an organization

  • Identify the security mechanisms contained within various computing devices used to protect it while allowing it access to external data and other connected devices

  Program Requirements

  Technology Core (45 credits)


  MATH 200 Quantitative Tools and Methods (5)


  CPSC 210 Computer Systems Foundations (5)


  CPSC 220 Operating Systems Foundations (5)

  MATH 200 & CPSC 210

  CPSC 250 Programming Fundamentals (5)

  MATH 200 & CPSC 210

  CPSC 310 Database Management Systems (5)

  MATH 200 & CPSC 210

  INSE 300 Legal and Ethical Issues in Information Security (5)

  MATH 200 & CPSC 210

  INSE 310 Systems Analysis and Design (5)

  MATH 200 & CPSC 210

  INSE 320 Data Communications and Networking (5)

  MATH 200 & CPSC 210

  INSE 335 Project Management (5)

  MATH 200 & CPSC 210

  Depth of Study (40 credits)


  INSE 400 Fundamentals of Information Security (5)

  MATH 200 &
CPSC 2010 &
CPSC 220 &
CPSC 250 &
CPSC 310 &
INSE 300 &
INSE 310 &
INSE 320 &
INSE 335

  INSE 410 Corporate Governance, Policy, Risk, Cybercrime (5)

  INSE 400

  INSE 415 Computer and Network Security (5)

  INSE 400

  INSE 420 Security Strategies for Operating Systems and Applications (5)

  INSE 400

  INSE 425 Computer and Network Forensics (5)

  INSE 400

  INSE 430 Compliance Auditing the IT Infrastructure (5)

  INSE 400

  INSE 435 Hacker Tools and Techniques (5)

  INSE 400

  INSE 440 Internet, Wireless, and Mobile Device Security (5)

  INSE 400

  Capstone Requirement (5 credits)


  INSE 495 Capstone Project (5)

  All courses in program


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